Our Trinity Group -- the lovely ladies that hold our raffle in the back of the Church --- raised $4000 in this last raffle. We give thanks to them for their hard work and we thank all who purchased tickets that made this such a great success. We are slowly getting to our goal for the Restoration Project. Restoration begins early next year -- after the Christmas Holidays.
As the first-ever online giving day created to celebrate our unique Catholic heritage, the #iGiveCatholic Giving Day inspires faithful stewards to "Give Catholic" on #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving. The goal of the #iGiveCatholic Giving Day is to rally our Catholic communities across the country in support of the organizations that shape our souls: Our parishes, schools, and nonprofit ministries. We know that, for Catholics, generosity and giving have a profound meaning. As children of God, giving is the ultimate expression of mercy as we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, and preserve our Catholic heritage for future generations. Compelled to action by our shared faith, Catholics are energized to give back knowing that little is much when God is in it.
St Anthony School hosted two Parenting Sessions to help parents in raising their children. The first session on "Parenting for School Success" had a whopping 36 people in attendance. The second session on "Responsibility & Discipline, Part I" had 13 in attendance. Because of the busyness of the last part of the year, it was decided to postpone the last 5 sessions until the beginning of next year, 2019. Please join us again when we host the next parenting sessions at St Anthony School.
In October 2017, the Restoration Committee was formed to raise an estimated $500,000 to remove and re-apply the protective sealant over the stucco on the church’s exterior, with a paint job to follow and to repair old termite damage in the auditorium. The Restoration Committee, which also serves as the Parish Finance Committee included, Mary Helen Williams as Chairman, Belinda Constant, Kim Enger, Linda LaBorde, Mary Grace Orsag and Bill Swiler. After Bill’s untimely death, James Rolf III was invited to serve. Father Gary and Deacon Jerry are included. To date an estimated $340,000 has been raised that includes money from Major Sponsors, generous donations from the parishioners and local residents, several raffles and special events that started with selling hot dogs at Gretna’s Lundi Gras and a School Reunion chaired by Toni Hollis in May. Chairman Debbie Swiler began the Rummage Sale in June to be a part of the annual Gretna Citywide Yard Sale on Oct. 13. On Wednesdays, two Women’s Club members accepted donations and every Monday, a group of mostly non-parishioner volunteers sorted and packed. Collections were stopped at the end of August. With generous furniture donations and the hard work of everyone involved, the Rummage Sale made a phenomenal $16,000. There were three major events in three weeks. Slated to become an annual fundraiser for St. Joseph’s, Chili Cookoff on the River, set for Oct. 27 got hit with a big blow two days before the event when the river flooded the batture! Thanks to Mayor Constant and Police Capt. Russell Lloyd, Chili Cookoff NEAR the River was moved to the largest parking lot in Gretna which turned out to be a blessing. Over 400 people attended to enjoy chili cooked by 16 teams, 40 volunteers helped and the Chili Poker Run had 50 bikers and riders. Chili Cookoff made over $20,000. Winners were 1st Place-Brett’s Jambalaya Company, 2nd Place-NOLA Gold Rugby, 3rd Place-Entergy Lineman. Trosclair Electric was Honorable Mention. Thanks to our own parishioners: Mayor Belinda Constant, Linda LaBorde, Geri Mayville, James Rolf, Glenn Esteve, Garry Vedros, Jill DeBroeck, Peter DeBroeck, Ray Markase, Paul Coles, Leon Cuccia, Debbie Morse, Val Coles, the St. Joseph office staff and the Women’s Club members who stepped up. Judging was in a blind method by 15 Judges that included real judges and community leaders. Gratitude to Holly Williams and her committee that volunteered from Gretna Historical Society to handle all phases of judging and our own Darrell Hollis, CPA to keep everything orderly. Then there was Neal Vaught, everything from Weigh-in guru to a Final Judge and countless outsiders like Ryan Templet, Jeff Parish Councilman Ricky Templet, Gretna Councilmen Mike Hinyub, Tony Buckley, David Crockett Fire Company, Academy of Our Lady students and West Jeff ROTC. On Nov. 2, the $10,000 Raffle/Gala, chaired by Darnell LeBlanc was a huge success earning $24,000. The 300 - $100 raffle tickets were all sold and the pick-a- prizes, silent auctions and 50/50 split raffles were very successful. Charlotte Roussell was the winner of the $10,000 Grand Prize. But, the constant in the Restoration Campaign has been the steady sales of our Mother Church Cookbook. We took delivery of 1,000 cookbooks on the Thursday before St. Joseph’s Day, March 2018. One week later we ordered a second 1,000. We are now promoting cookbook sales as “gifts you can give for Christmas!” Cookbook sales so far is $33,000. Projected costs to restore the church are greater than the original estimate. A contractor will be selected shortly and work will commence. It is important to keep up the efforts so we can pay for the repairs without burdening the budget with monthly payments. Thanks to all of you that have been so generous. Please continue to keep the Restoration Fund in mind with your donations and prayers for success.
The Jefferson Chorale (an affiliate of JPAS) and the Loyola University Chorus present Et In Terra Pax. Chorale directed by Dr. Louise LaBruyere. This concert is free and open to the public. Sunday Dec 9 at 4pm at St Joseph Catholic Church.