All are welcome to pray with us at the Memorial Service for the Unborn in observance of Roe v. Wade anniversary in the Holy Innocents Prayer Garden (St. Patrick #1 Cemetery, 5000 Canal St., NOLA) on Monday January 27, 2025, at noon. We will be praying for those lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion and those who mourn them.
If you can help out, Monday February 3 at 9:30am -- cutting figs and mixing/grinding to start making cookies on Monday February 10 at 9:30am. It will take 3-4 weeks to make all the cookies. Please consider volunteering for multiple days. Please contact Parish Office for more details.
Last year it was a different format, this year it will be an actual Cenacle that will be unfolding. Document linked to this event for what will happen on Saturday February 1st.
St Joseph will hold their 3rd Annual Women's Day of Reflection on Saturday April 5, 2025 ++ Presenter: Claire Gallagher, a Consecrated Virgin ++ Topic: Spiritual Poverty & Femininity ++ Free Event ++ Registration details to follow.
Food for Seniors provides monthly nutritional food boxes to seniors who are 60 years old or older and meet Federal Income Guidelines. Catholic Charities Food for Seniors is the sole agency of Louisiana’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) which works to improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. The program also educates clients about good nutrition by providing nutritional information that includes easy to make recipes using commodity foods, caloric intake, how to stretch food dollars and eat a healthy diet. Catholic Charities’ Food for Seniors is an equal opportunity program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals. Applications are available on-line or are available when St Joseph Parish Office is open.
The Office of Marriage and Family Life is pleased to announce the annual Archdiocese of New Orleans Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 22, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Church, Metairie. This prayer service will honor couples who are celebrating or have recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The celebration is open to couples married in 1975 or before. (To register, please contact your parish office before Friday, April 11, 2025). Please Note: The Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration is a prayer service, not a Mass and will not fulfill the couple’s Sunday obligation. Couples should plan to attend Mass at their home parishes.
The Community Center For Life (on the corner of 6th and Lafayette -- 1 block from St Joseph Church) is in need year-round of baby items for new and young mothers. Items needed are: Similac Advance/Similac ProAdvance Formula, baby wipes, Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, Baby lotion and other Baby Care products, Onesies (gender neutral), bottles (Dr. Brown, Tommee Tippee). swaddles/blankets (gender neutral), gift cards (Target, Walmart, Amazon), and pretty much anything that a baby can use and/or wear. The CCL is also registered at Target as: First Name - Community Center For Life and Last Name: CCL. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
2025 NOLACatholic Men's Conference: "I Trust in You"
Saturday, March 15, 2025 at St. Dominic Church, New Orleans
Registration is now open for the Archdiocese of New Orleans Men’s Conference. This year’s conference theme is “I Trust in You”. Last year we focused on the loneliness crisis among men and the need to rebuild genuine friendship. For most men, the greatest obstacle to genuine friendship is the erosion of trust. On a daily basis, men contend with the dangers and difficulties of a sometimes-chaotic world. Building relationships of trust is a serious and delicate task that seems to have become more difficult day by day. How do we build mature relationships of trust with God, the Church, and one another when our lived experience makes trusting difficult? How can we find the peace and confidence in God’s plan for us when we see so much chaos all around? How do we become the trustworthy men God, the Church, and our family and friends need us to be in order to fulfill our vocations and build a more peaceful and productive society? Please help us call all the men of our local Church of New Orleans to this important event!
The conference will be held at St. Dominic Church on Saturday, March 15, 2025.
HELEN 504-450-8481
RAY 504-957-4104
St Joseph will hold their 3rd Annual Women's Day of Reflection on Saturday April 5, 2025 ++ Presenter: Claire Gallagher, a Consecrated Virgin ++ Topic: Spiritual Poverty & Femininity ++ Free Event ++ Registration details to follow.
The Office of Marriage and Family Life is pleased to announce the annual Silver Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2025, 3:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, New Orleans. This prayer service will honor couples who are celebrating or have recently celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The celebration is open to couples married between 1995 - 2000.
To register, please contact your parish office by Friday, January 17, 2025.
Please Note: The Silver Wedding Anniversary celebration is a prayer service, not a Mass and will not fulfil the couple’s Sunday obligation. Couples should plan to attend Mass at their home parishes.
Contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life at (504) 861-6243 or [email protected] with any questions.
CCRNO (Catholic Charismatic Renewal Of New Orleans) sponsors a Weekly Prayer Meeting for Teens and Young Adults every Sunday at Archbishop Rummel High School, in the Rummel Raider Room, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. For updates go to Instagram: @ccrnoyouth
In honor of St Blaise, there will be a blessing of the throats at St Anthony on Monday February 3rd at the 8:30 morning Mass and at the 12:10pm Mass at St Joseph.
Fr. Gary will again this year be offering classes on our Catholic Faith for those interested in becoming Catholics or wanting to enrich their Faith. Classes will begin August 29th at 6:30 pm in the St Joseph Rectory and will run throughout the year on most Thursday nights until Holy Week. Call Parish Office for details. We are also looking for those who would like to assist Fr. Gary in presenting the classes. Sometimes the best way to learn our Faith is to teach our Faith. All are welcome!
Companions Along the Way (Virtual)
First Tuesday of the Month. September-May 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Come join ASC Associate Director Jeanne Burmaster and others as you walk together in prayer and faith and become more aware of the Holy Spirit in your life. Share the stories and circumstances of your everyday life and see the blessings that come when we have companions along the way. Register on the web,, email [email protected] or telephone (504) 861-3254. $40 Donation for the entire course (adjustments can be made)
We will have evening prayer and Rosary in honor of our Patron Saint, St Joseph, in the Gymnasium on Tuesday March 18 at 5:00pm. All are invited to attend and participate.
Please come and join us at St Anthony Church -- Gretna -- on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 AM before Mass to pray the Rosary. Let us pray together for: the end of COVD; the sick, the dying, the abused, those suffering from abortion, the aborted, souls in purgatory, the conversion of sinners; those caught in human trafficking; peace in the world; compassion, understanding; and your special intentions.
World Day Of The Sick in on Tuesday February 11th. This is celebrated in association with the Feast Day Of Our Lady of Lourdes. Normally on or around the Feast Day of Our Lady Of Lourdes, parishes may have a Communal Anointing of the Sick. St Anthony will have the anointing of the sick after their 8:30am Mass. Please come out and get the Sacrament of the Sick if you are elderly, about to undergo surgery, or have a serious medical condition. Invite or take someone you know who may fall into this category with you to Mass and experience God's Saving Graces.
In this novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (also known as Our Mother of Perpetual Help from this icon pictured on the left) we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary in asking for her assistance. This picture of the Blessed Mother with her Divine Son above has helped her provide strength, comfort and even miracles to the faithful for centuries! Come join us for Mass and Novena.
Do you want to be a volunteer fire fighter or belong to a company of dedicated first responders? Consider becoming a Volunteer Firefighter or an Honorary Member. Meetings are held once a month on Fourth Tuesday of the Month. Click on links on St Joseph Website for application.
The St Anthony Ladies Club will meet every second Wednesday of the month in the St Anthony School Cafeteria at 6pm. Please consider joining our Ladies of St Anthony for this group. Their next meeting is Wednesday February 12 at 6pm.
Come Lord Jesus! Bible Study ++ On Wednesdays, St Joseph has at 1 pm CLJ in the St Joseph Social Room ++ On Tuesdays, St Joseph has CLJ in the Rectory at 10am ++ St Anthony has their CLJ in the St Anthony Parish Office/Hall on THURSDAYS at 9:30am in St Anthony Rectory ++There is another group for Young Adults that meets on Tuesdays at 6:30pm at 31 Derbes Drive, Gretna LA +++ Please join us for one, two, or all three ++ It’s a program that was developed in the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA in the late sixties and early seventies by Father Conley Bertrand, a parish priest. Graced with a love for prayer and Scripture and an ardent zeal, he sought to communicate these qualities to his parishioners. Come, Lord Jesus! is the fruit of many years of prayer, reflection on Sacred Scripture, and experimentation. This inspiring program is a complete study of the Sunday Readings, including Gospels (Be My Witness), Epistles(Love One Another) and the Old Testament(Give Glory to God) in three separate volumes. Following the Liturgical Calendar and utilizing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, members grow in sanctification through prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Christian community.
Food for Seniors provides monthly nutritional food boxes to seniors who are 60 years old or older and meet Federal Income Guidelines. Catholic Charities Food for Seniors is the sole agency of Louisiana’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) which works to improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. The program also educates clients about good nutrition by providing nutritional information that includes easy to make recipes using commodity foods, caloric intake, how to stretch food dollars and eat a healthy diet. Catholic Charities’ Food for Seniors is an equal opportunity program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals. Applications are available on-line or are available when St Joseph Parish Office is open.
The Office of Marriage and Family Life is pleased to announce the annual Archdiocese of New Orleans Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 22, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Church, Metairie. This prayer service will honor couples who are celebrating or have recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The celebration is open to couples married in 1975 or before. (To register, please contact your parish office before Friday, April 11, 2025). Please Note: The Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration is a prayer service, not a Mass and will not fulfill the couple’s Sunday obligation. Couples should plan to attend Mass at their home parishes.
Men, come join Us this Friday at 5:45am for breakfast, then stay for our topic presentation at 6:15am, followed by small group discussion. We finish at 7:30am so that you can make it to work, go back home to sleep, or go back home to your family to be with them and put into practice what you learned that morning. That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!