Repeats every second Monday of the month until January10, 2026
God calls us to leave a lasting mark with all the gifts He gives to us. What will your legacy be?
Our Legacy is the spiritual and material impact we have on our families and our community by how we live and by what we leave behind. God made us for legacy. He created legacy giving us Jesus, His Word, the Eucharist, and the church. He created us and calls us to make something beautiful of all the gifts He gives us, leaving a legacy just as Jesus and the saints did.
The impact of our legacy contains two important aspects: The Spiritual Component and The Material Component. The Spiritual Component consists of the values, beliefs, and faith we pass on. The Material Component is made up of the valuables, the possessions we leave behind.
Legacy also invites us to consider church as family. How impactful is the church in our lives? All of our family’s big, most sacred events happen at church: baptism, marriage, last rites, and more. A legacy gift as a bequest through your will or by including the church as a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance is a great way to honor the good the church does for us and our family.
Please consider making a gift to the parish in your will. Your gift will allow us to carry on the mission of bringing Christ’s love to your family and the community for generations to come.
If you have any questions around creating your legacy plan, please contact the Catholic Community Foundation at 504-596-3045. They are happy to assist you.