The 18 active members and 10 associate members of our St Vincent de Paul Conference provided $33,602 of assistance to 555 needy people this past fiscal year. They also were able to help them with food and furniture in the amount of $1520 in addition to the $33,602. The members and associates gave over 790 hours of service hours to help the poor. It is in gratitude and much appreciation that we thank our SVdP Conference for their hard work; you, for your contributions to the collection and poor box to help fund our SVdP Conference; the poor for allowing us to share our blessings; and, most of all, to God, who gives us the graces, blessings, and abilities to serve Him in our neighbor.
If you wish to join us as a member or an associate, please call the Parish Office 504-368-1313 or the SVdP line 504-298-6907 and leave a message.