A personal PA allows parishioners to use their own audio device to listen to priest/speaker/lector so that they may hear what is being said. The sound is broadcast on 72.9MHz which is a FM frequency (although not on the regular radio which is 87 to 109MHz). We have headphones at the entrances of the Church for general use along with wipes to sanitize units before and after use. Devices can also be purchased from William Sound retailers, online retailers, EBay, and the like. Some cheaper units are available for purchase from Parish Office. In general, the device allows the listener to control the volume and hear better what is being audibly conveyed. These devices are not necessarily for those whose hearing is impaired but also for those who want to hear more clearly and distinctly what is being said. The better the device and/or earphones; the better the sound quality. It is well worth the investment to get something that allows one to hear better. Our Church is like a cave with an echo. It is great for concerts and chorales but not so great for public addresses. Bad acoustics, area of seating, and other factors affect how we hear. This system will help us all out. These PA devices help eliminate a lot of the interference that comes from these negative factors. If interested in utilizing this system, speak to your Pastor, Fr. Gary.