Father Herb Bennerfield, Pastor of St Joseph Church in Patterson, will be leading a pilgrimage to the Oberammergau Passion Play from September 30 through October 10, 2020. Other highlights of the pilgrimage include visits to Fussen, Germany, home of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Oktoberfest in Munich, Mass at Our Lady of Victory in Prague (home of the Infant Jesus of Prague), Our Lady of Czestochowa (the Black Madonna), Auschwitz (martyrdom site of Sts. Maximillian Kolbe and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), convent of St Faustina and shrine of Divine Mercy, and various sites associated with St. John Paul II during the 100th anniversary year of his birth. For further details please pick up a flyer in church or contact Fr. Herb Bennerfield at (985) 395-3616 for more details.