Legacy Sunday is an initiative of the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF), created through the vision and support of Archbishop Aymond. With the approval of the Presbyteral Council, the Foundation has established this special appeal. Legacy Sunday will be a designated weekend each year in which the parishes of the Archdiocese of New Orleans invite parishioners to discover their Catholic legacy and consider including charitable giving to their parish in their will. This is not a second collection or a cash-associated ask. It is an invitation into planned giving, which is giving for the future, and this appeal can be as simple as putting out a brochure at our parish. A critical message of this weekend is to share the potential of a person's legacy. The impact of their legacy contains two important aspects: The Spiritual Component and The Material Component. The Spiritual Component is: The spiritual things we pass on, including our values and our Catholic Faith. The Material Component is: the valuable we leave behind. Why talk about Legacy? 1. There is a spiritual need to give. * It is important to reflect on the many ways in which God has blessed us. * When we reflect on Christ's legacy, we grow in gratitude and generosity, which is so critical to our Faith. 2. The Parish needs it. * Parishes are often overlooked when preparing bequests. * Parishes receive on 9% of bequests. 3. Transfer of Wealth. * The US is in the midst of the largest wealth transfer in history. *$41 trillion will transfer from Baby Boomers to the next generation before 2052. $6 trillion will be directed to charity. What is Planned Giving or Legacy Giving? Planned giving and Legacy giving are the same thing. It is the process in which a donor creates a financial or estate plan in which they formally decide to give something of value to an organization at a future date. Because planned giving sometimes involves tax and legal considerations, Legacy Sunday aims to focus on the less complicated aspect of planned giving. Legacy Sunday is offering an easy and simple approach to talk about planned giving in our parish. We know that 90% of planned giving is done by bequests (which is a gift given by a will). Therefore, the focus is on bequest gifts to our parish. If intricate planned giving questions arise, one can contact Catholic Community Foundation at 504-596-3045. Do not hesitate to contact them at any point with questions. Ways to give planned gifts include: By will; Beneficiary Designation (IRA, insurance policy, etc.); Cash; Property; Stocks.